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Creating New Growth Platforms (NPGs)

Building digital platforms makes companies connect easily with yours.

Cross data to big data from from Social Media to the Website And Using our robust platform that allow us to establish: profile, parameters, what companies are looking for, and rethink with our clients to have a better performance and improve the Companies goals.

How? Discovering Data Transformation through MA.

Successfulcampaigns start with the targeted audience and must work across multiple channels. Heker Multimedia build campaigns that integrate a message that represents what the Companies offer, are and are looking for, in this way we help our clients optimizing their audience engagement data and turn it into highly relevant customer experience.

Platforms Strategies + Add Value. Marketing Operations

Platforms have revolutionized the way we think about marketing and strategy. Further, the platform strategy is a growing area that has provided companies with multiple opportunities for generating value.

Many firms are using different tactics depending on whether they see a platform as a way to improve performance ( by focusing on what they do best).

The key words are:

The business, which will survive in this era should place a platform strategy as one of the key priorities areas.

We bring our process and technology expertise together to drive successful marketing operations across strategy, development, testing and metrics.

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